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There were some hiccups with the trip but that has been the story of my life. Actually the story of most folks.

As always it is not how you get knocked down, but that you keep getting up.

Some of my writing hurdles were knocked over and I'm looking forward to put some new standards into practice for the last part of the year.

If you are in the Detroit area on July 21st, stop by the Detroit Bookfest in Eastern Market.

The event is nothing but books and more books.

One thing I learned on my trip to FL was about marketing. We had a chance to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers & Ice Cube in concert.

While there, some folks were drinking Liquid Death. Alcoholic drink? Nope. Energy Drink? Nope

It was plain water in a fancy can that cost a pretty penny. Folks had no problem shelling out the $6 a can. Why not since they were keeping hydrated and the can looked better than a plastic bottle.

Managed to knock out a half of dozen books in my adventures to FL. Guess multiple flight delays can be productive.

Check my Goodreads 2024 Reading Challenge to see my thoughts on the books.